Waxed middle 19th.-century solid walnut country chest of drawers

20th.-century walnut writing desk, French polishing

Waxed early 19th.-century two-piece poplar wood closet

19th.-century chalice-shaped solid walnut Commode, French polishing

Late 18th.-century two-piece walnut and precious woods plated glass book-case, French polishing

Waxed 18th.-century one-piece walnut closet with paneled doors solid walnut chest of drawers with precious wood inlays, French polishing

Neoclassic 18h.-century solid walnut chest of drawers, plated and inlaid with walnut, boxwood and other precious woods, French polishing

Waxed 19th.-century country dresser in soft wood

Middle 19th.-century walnut sofa, French polishing

Middle mahogany rolltop desk, French polishing

Middle walnut chair with three-piece back, French polishing

Waxed 20th.-century wooden oil painted apothecary drawers

Tavolo da cucito con piano intarsiato '900 particolare

Comò lastronato in legno di noce con filetti in ottone '800

Credenza in legno di noce primi '800

Credenza intarsiata 900'

Piccolo comò 3 cassetti policromo lastronato in legno di noce ed essenze pregiate stile '700 finitura stoppino

Tavolino orientale scolpito

Tavolino sorrentino filettato ed intarsiato con essenze varie '800

Tavolo cucito con piano radica '800

Tavolo da cucito con piano intarsiato '900

Statua africana


Detail of 19th.-century holy water font in carved wood, gilded with 18 carat gold leaf

Late lacquered Trumeau decorated with silver gilt frame

19th.century gilt frame with multiple-order relief

Detail of restoration work – reconstructing and inserting lost parts

19th.-century gilt frame with multiple-order relief

19th.-century gilt frame with multiple-order relief

Middle harp with gilt plastered decorations


18th.-century wooden ceiling

11th.-century polychrome painted wooden ceiling

Detail of beams in 11th.-century painted polychrome wooden ceiling

18th.-century wooden ceiling


20th.-century Art Nouveau door

20th.-century walnut door

20th.-century red larch-wood door

20th.-century walnut door

18th.-century centered walnut door, its lacquers and gildings severely damaged

20th.-century lacquered door with decorated panels and leaded glass

Portone in noce '700

Portone in noce '800

Portone in rovere '800